Following the accidental purchase of two more Trout Runner Ducks on Thursday we unfortunately allowed ourselves to be shown the day-old duckling hatchlings. Despite having already agreed to take 5 porcelain pekin bantam chicks from another breeder, the lure of ducklings was too much, especially with our neices Bess and Libby in tow. 5 were duly selected and are duly installed in the brooder with a heat lamp. Because we have no electricity at our shed, we have had to put the brooder in the office – which may make for some interesting conference calls this week with a background noise of tweets and twitters….ah well.
In between the poultry acquisitions, work was finally getting started on the boundary for the pond. Having figured out an aesthetically pleasing but secure design, Ian spend most of Sunday putting the bricking in place and today we finished it all off in the heat – pointing with cement. Really pleased with the result though – now we can crack on (quack on?) with getting some more vegetation growing in the duck zones.