Quite literally minutes old duckling. Just popped out of the egg

Quite literally minutes old duckling. Just popped out of the egg

In unexpected and exciting news we now have two new ducklings both home hatched. The story begun about 4 weeks ago when we had a broody Pekin in the garden. Lets stick some duck eggs under it and see how it turns out.

Sadly for the Pekin it didn’t end well when a predator of some kind got in and killed it. (Still not sure what it was, possible a stoat or polecat).

It was a real shame because she was a lovely friendly Lemon Pekin, and she was sat on 4 duck eggs and had also gathered another 6 Pekin eggs from herself and her Pekin colleagues.

Well we put the eggs into an incubator a friend had given us and hoped for the best. The incubator is a little ropey and kept resetting itself, so the humidity was never really right.

Anyway, to cut a long story short, two ducklings have hatched, and three Pekins, with 3 eggs still on the go. Sadly, two of the duck eggs didn’t make it.

On the whole, we are very please with the outcome, having expected none of the eggs to hatch.